Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 10 EOC: Benefits vs. Features

Chocolate Boosters is a product that doesn’t have a lot of extra features, maybe a cool box and logo, but overall its just small little chocolate vitamins.  What my product really has to offer is all the benefits.  When positioning a brand, the marketer should establish a mission for the brand and a vision of what the brand must be and do. (Armstrong/Kotler, Marketing, pg. 40)  These benefits are going to be the key element to the selling of Chocolate Boosters.  The consumer will be able to take the supplements they already use and enjoy them on a different level.  When discussing my pricing, I had to look at what my product offered.  They fact that Chocolate Boosters are fairly simple and more focused of health and energy benefits, influenced price.   Rather than cutting prices to match competitors, they attach value-added features and services to differentiate their offers and thus support higher prices. Armstrong/Kotler, Marketing. Pg. 10) My price reflects the health and energy benefits of the actual supplements.   I am selling youth and the energy and health you once enjoyed as a kid.  I want to buyer to look at Chocolate as chocolate covered youth.  Consumers see products as complex bundles of benefits that satisfy their needs. When developing products, marketers first must identify the core customer value that consumers seek from the product. (Armstrong/Kotler, Marketing, pg.6)  My hope is that the consumer will use Boosters and regain the way they used to feel and keep coming back for more and begin to make changes to their lives and focus on living healthy with a little bit of fun.  

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